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QOV Sew Day to be held


GLENWOOD –Everyone is invited to participate in the annual QOV Sew Day on February 5th and 6th.
The Pike county event will be held at the Glenwood Church of Christ beginning at 9 a.m. and finishing up at 3 or 4 p.m. each day.
Find your favorite pattern, dig into your fabric stash, bring a sewing machine, and sewing supplies and come join the group for a fun filled day of sewing for this worthy cause.
You may bring a sack lunch or order take out. If you can’t sew – no problem – some will be cutting, and ironing while others are sewing pieces together.
The Quilt of Valor Foundation is a group of individuals across America who make quilts and donate them to service members and veterans touched by war.
Everyone can participate in this project. Quilts are made all year long.
Last year, nationwide, 17,373 comforting and healing Quilts of Valor were presented. Pike County quilters donated 26 quilts to veterans in the county.
For further information call Vickie at Vickie’s Quilt Shack at 870-398-4109.