Home Farm Hope Livestock Auction, Hope, AR

Hope Livestock Auction, Hope, AR


Weighted Average Report for Thursday Jan 7, 2016
Cattle Receipts: 1232 Last week: NS Last year: 1188
Compared to last week: No trend due to holidays. Supply included 725 feeder calves; 293 yearlings; 15 replacement cows; 176 slaughter cows; 23 slaughter bulls. Feeder supply consisted of 45 percent English and English crosses; 43 percent Exotic and Exotic crosses; 12 percent Brahman and Brahman crosses. Feeder supply included 59 percent steers and bulls; 41 percent heifers. Prices follow with weighted average price in parenthesis.
Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
30 300-345 321 215.00-240.00 223.35
40 350-395 368 190.00-220.00 203.35
33 400-445 423 180.00-205.00 193.24
37 450-495 474 180.00-200.00 187.43
24 500-545 523 175.00-188.00 181.52
13 550-590 570 168.00-180.00 172.34
14 600-645 622 160.00-171.00 164.99
14 650-695 670 158.00-165.00 160.36
3 700-715 707 155.00-157.00 155.99
2 755-785 770 155.00-157.00 156.02
Medium and Large 2
23 300-345 318 170.00-185.00 177.99
11 350-395 372 165.00-175.00 170.20
8 405-445 423 155.00-165.00 162.12
9 450-495 479 155.00-165.00 160.72
3 505-545 525 150.00-157.00 153.28
2 550-560 555 145.00-155.00 150.05

Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
17 300-345 323 178.00-195.00 184.52
19 350-395 370 175.00-190.00 179.86
12 400-440 424 172.00-185.00 175.82
10 450-495 464 170.00-177.00 172.27
20 500-545 526 150.00-165.00 156.49
20 550-595 574 150.00-160.00 153.34
10 600-645 618 150.00-162.00 154.37
2 785-795 790 135.00-140.00 137.48
4 870-895 883 118.00-125.00 120.73
Medium and Large 2
10 300-345 326 160.00-170.00 161.96
13 355-390 368 150.00-160.00 154.47
14 400-445 416 150.00-160.00 153.31
9 450-485 473 145.00-155.00 150.90
4 510-535 525 130.00-136.00 133.48
2 570-575 573 135.00-137.00 136.00

Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
5 500-540 524 155.00-165.00 159.01
3 555-590 575 150.00-155.00 153.39
6 610-635 620 150.00-155.00 153.01
4 665-690 675 145.00-155.00 149.55
2 720-725 723 138.00-140.00 139.00
Replacement Cows: Pre-tested for bangs; pregnancy; and age.
Medium and Large 1-2:
Age Weight Months Bred Price
3-6 year old 950-1270 second & third stage 120.00-135.00
7-10 year old 900-1175 second & third stage 80.00-100.00
Slaughter Cows:
%Lean Weight Average Dress High Dress Low Dress
Breakers 75-80% 1200-1450 64.00-70.00
Boners 80-85% 950-1300 66.00-74.00 57.00-62.00
Lean 85-90% 900-1100 57.00-65.00
Light 85-92% 700-950 47.00-54.00
Slaughter Bulls:
Weight Average Dress High Dress Low Dress
Y.G. 1-2 1000-2100 83.00-92.00 97.00 70.00-75.00

Source: AR Dept of Ag-USDA Market News Service, Little Rock, AR
Jeff Milam, 501-671-2200 www.ams.usda.gov/lsmnpubsLR_LS146.txt