Compiled by Patsy Young
126 years ago: 1890
At a social party at
the residence of Maj. John
P. Dillard near Mineral
Springs Christmas night
a young man named Robinson
came in drunk and
being requested to get out
of the room by young Sim
Dillard became enraged
and turned on young Dillard
and cut him severely
in seven places. He was
arrested but made his
escape and has not since
been seen. Young Dillard
is doing very well now and
will probably get well.
(Adv.) The Oklahoma
Saloon is Headquarters
for fine Wines, Liquors,
and Cigars. Joe Brock is
at the bar and will attend
to your wants in a polite
manner. J.J. Barr, Proprietor,
New Nashville,
100 years ago: 1916
A large number of bills
affecting the postal service
of the United States
have been introduced.
Most of them affect the
postage rates. There are
at least a score of bills to
reduce the rate on first
class postage to one cent.
W. F. Leslie showed
us this week a splendid
sample of paper shell pecans,
which he had grown
by grafting on hickory
trees. Mr. Leslie has more
than a hundred of these
trees which will soon be
(Adv.) You’ve hit the
right tobacco when you
fire-up some Prince Albert
in your old jimmy pipe
or in a makin’s cigarette.
All day long you’ll sing
how glad you’re pals with
Prince Albert, the national
joy smoke. R. J. Reynolds
Tobacco Co.
86 years ago: 1930
Mary Margaret Lombard,
aged 11 years, was
kidnaped just after school
had closed for the day
Wednesday and no trace
of her had been found
up to noon yesterday.
The little girl has made
her home for several
years with her aunt, Mrs.
Jesse Clegg, in this city,
although her mother is
living. It is believed by officers
and relatives of the
kidnaped girl that she was
taken by her mother, who
has quarreled with her
sister and hopes are held
high that the child is safe.
The little girl it is said is
heir to a nice fortune.
(Adv.) CARDUI helps
women to health. Cost 1c
per dose.
36 years ago: 1980
A 7-pound, 6-ounce
boy became Howard
County’s first baby of
the new decade Tuesday.
Christopher Antonio
Stuart was born at 5:45
p.m. on January 1st at
Howard County Memorial
Hospital. His parents
are Adalean and Chester
Ray Stuart of Star Route,
Box 19, Columbus. The
Stuarts also have a son,
Derrick Paul, born in 1877.
Clell McClure earned
a 3-gallon pin at Monday
afternoon’s Red Cross
Bloodmobile visit. Donors
reaching 2-gallon
status include Mae Cooley,
Dale Sorg and Sheriff
Dick Wakefield. Seven
participates earned 1-gallon
pins; Floyd Brown,
Larry Yates, Carl McCrary,
Darvin Reno, Dorothy
Lee, Calvin Bennett and
Keith Waburn. The pins
were presented by Ora
Jean Sullivan, county