Mary Crosslin | Local Events Columnist
I hope everyone had a
safe and happy Thanksgiving.
The turkey and dressing
at my house was very
good and I did share with
the community pantry as I
reminded everyone else to
do. I was blessed to have
my four generation family present. Now that Thanksgiving
is all behind us, let me be the first to wish everyone a very
everyone get shopping!
We still have several people on our sick list. Urgent prayer
is requested for Ms. Letha Wilson, who is in the hospital,
Belinda Mcfalls at home, and Lela James in the nursing facility
and Michael Boles, who is recovering from a short stay
in the hospital. Prayers are requested for the safety of our
Country, and the many refugees fleeing their country for a
safe haven. Thank you.
The fifth Sunday singing convention was in Nashville last
Sunday. A good time was had by all. If you appreciate good
old Gospel singing, the singing convention is the place to
be. The choirs from many churches participate by singing
several songs. The music is rich and reminds you of the
good old days gone by, and the presence of God is still felt
there. There is singing and praying together and fellowship
around a good meal. You will leave refreshed and ready to
continue the good fight of Faith.
Angela Wilson from Texarkana and Shirley Maxwell,
White Cliffs visited with me on Sunday. Good neighbors are
hard to come by. My car was on the wick-wick and I didn’t
know what to do, so I call my neighbor Frank Walker to
come help me. He was able to give me a jump and the car
started right up. I know this might sound trivial, but when
you have a need, living in the country, your vehicle is your
lifeline, next to the phone. So, I think it was a big deal and I
am grateful for him.
Now the birth of Jesus was on this wise: When his mother
Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together,
she was found with child of the Holy Ghost (19) Then Joseph
her husband, being a just man, not willing to make a public
example, was minded to put away her privly. (20) But while
he thought on these things the angel of the Lord appeared
unto him in a dream, saying Joseph, thou son of David, fear
not to take Mary thy wife; for that which is conceived in her
is of the Holy Ghost.