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District Results Positive for Nashville School


Jonathan Canaday | SW Arkansas Radio
Preliminary test scores have been released
by the state department of education and
results have not been favorable. According
to the results released, 65 percent of students
in Arkansas did not meet the targets
set. Nashville School Superintendent Doug
Graham says that administrators expect a
drop anytime that a school district changes
tests. For the past 10 or 12 years, the local
district had used the benchmark testing and
then last year piloted the PARCC test. State
test results so far have been very poor, with
low scores in grades seven through twelve.
Individual scores for grades three through
eight have not yet been released. Graham
said parents should expect to receive a letter
from the state department of education within
the next few weeks with testing results and
remediation plans, if necessary. Even with
the low scores, district results for Nashville
are positive. Superintendent Graham said the
first summary reports are showing that the
district met the annual measurable objective
for the previous year. He said that all of the
campus scores are looking good and that
additional information will soon be released.
In other business heard during a Monday
Nashville School Board meeting, construction
continues at Nashville High School and some
major work will take place over the Thanksgiving
holiday. Graham says he hopes that
work on the new cafeteria is near completion
in January.
The board accepted the resignation of
Vickie McClane from Nashville Elementary
and hired AJ Whitmore as a part-time special
education aide for the remainder of the 2015-
2016 school year.
Board members also accepted a list of after
school teachers. After school tutoring has
started at Nashville Primary and Elementary
schools…tutoring at Nashville High School is
held in the mornings. The tutoring program
will continue up until the spring, when testing
will begin in March.
The meeting opened with a presentation
from the Nashville High School Robotics
team, which recently placed first in a state
competition. The team will advance to a national
regional contest to be held December
4 and 5.