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Safety reminders from the Arkansas House of Representatives


Avid bow hunter and
bow manufacturer Fred
Bear once said to go
into the field with a good
attitude, respect for the
wildlife you hunt and for
the forest and the fields
in which you walk.
That reminder could
not come at a better
time as muzzleloader for
deer season began last
week during a significant
drought period for our
The Arkansas Forestry
Commission is asking deer
hunters for help this year
in protecting our land
from forest fires. Even
with recent rains, there
are many areas of our
state that are currently
under a burn ban.
The Forestry Commission
is asking hunters to
avoid building campfires
of any kind until conditions
change. They also
urge hunters to quickly
put out any sparks caused
by muzzleloaders.
Dragging chains can
also create sparks. If you
are transporting equipment
to deer camp, make
sure you are not dragging
chains as you drive.
We could also use the
eyes and ears of deer
hunters to help report any
wildfires they may see.
Wildfires can be reported
at 1-800-468-8834 or 911 if
it is an emergency.
Modern Gun season
begins in Arkansas on
November 14. Even if
drought conditions
change, there are still
many safety measures
hunters need to take before
heading out into the
woods. Anyone born on
or after January 1, 1969
must complete a hunter
education course and
carry a valid hunter education
card. The Arkansas
Game and Fish Commission
offers instructor-led
and online courses. All of
the information is posted
on their website at www.
Due to conser vation
efforts and wildlife management,
the white-tailed
deer population in our
state has grown from
2,000 back in 1916 to over
1 million today. It is one
of the most successful
conservation initiatives
in history.
We know for many of
you, hunting is a long
standing family tradition.
We hope you have a safe
season and remember to
do your part to protect
our natural resources.