Compiled by Patsy Young
118 years ago: 1897
Mrs. J. F. Ward has a
corn cob in the shape of a
human hand. The thumb
and four fingers are almost
exactly like a small left
hand, except the fingers
are rather diminutive. Mr.
Choate made a photograph
of this peculiar cob Saturday.
Mr. O.T. Pope is this
week moving up from his
blackland farm. It is rumored
that Mr. Pope will
enter the mercantile business
here. He is a good
citizen and possessed of
considerable means and
we extend a hearty welcome
to him and his family.
Col. J.R.H. Cummings
of Clow, a veteran of the
Indian wars in the long ago,
was in town Thursday.
(Adv.) 2000 bushels
cotton seed at 10 cents
per bushel. Who wants
‘em? P.B. Johnson, Mineral
110 years ago: 1905
News reached Nashville
Monday of a killing
near Umpire which took
place last Friday. Will Gordon
was shot in the back
and found dead at the side
of the road. It is supposed
the killing was done in the
morning as Gordon was
on his way to a neighbor’s
with his wagon to assist in
gathering corn. His team
was frightened at the shot
and ran away, throwing
the wagon body off and
Gordon was found with the
wagon body with a bullet
hole in his back. The team
ran until they struck a tree
and made a wreck of the
Leollie Lackey, a cousin
of Gordon’s was arrested
on suspicion. Gordon lived
on a farm belonging to
Lackey. They had trouble
before, it was said about
Lacey being too intimate
with Gordon’s wife, and
it is supposed the killing
grew out of this old
(Adv.) Pickles, Pickles,
Pickles; Sweet Pickles,
Sour Pickles, Dill Pickles,
Lilly Pickles, Hot Pickles,
Sweet Baby Pickles, also
Barrel Kraut. City Grocery
Store, W.J. Old
74 years ago: 1941
An agreement was
signed by practically all
business firms of this city
Wednesday to close for
the entire day next Tuesday
in celebration of Armistice
Day. Schools of
the Nashville district will
also be closed for the day.
No program has been arranged
for the celebration.
Local people will spend
the day in different ways,
with hunting and golfing
on their card for a number
of those who usually spend
their days inside.
(Adv.) Liberty Theatre,
Tim Holt in “Six-Gun Gold”.
Yellow gold and gangsters!
The raw West ripped wide
open. Plus cartoon
27 years ago: 1988
Brooke Herndon was
crowned homecoming
queen by her father, Dr.
Jerry Herndon, during pregame
activities at Scrapper
Stadium Thursday. Royalty
included; Christina
Bratton, Jayne Carey, Amy
Gammill, Carrie Richard,
crown bearer Heather
Tackett, Paulette Williams,
Sherri Neece, Anna Coulter,
Donna McCrary and
Kim Morphew.
Louisiana Tech’s chapter
of the Society of Petroleum
Engineers has won
the Outstanding Student
Chapter award for the third
consecutive year. The
group was among 60 chapters
worldwide competing
for the recognition.
Cynthia Lea McAdams, a
1986 Nashville High School
graduate, is serving as
representative of the Tech
chapter. She was recently
in Houston participating in
the SPE conference.