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FUMC to host Ladies Ministry


The Nashville First United
Methodist Church is sponsoring
and hosting an exciting
ladies ministry program
for all women in the Nashville
and surrounding areas
Friday, November 13 and
Saturday, November 14.
Focusing on needs of
women of all ages and walks
of life, “Dear, Lord, I Need
A Makeover!” addresses
hope and encouragement
for those experiencing overwhelming
exhaustion from
the demands of daily living.
The ladies ministry program
is designed to create
an atmosphere of spiritual
growth through Bible study,
fun experiences, fellowship,
and good food.
Guest minister Rev. Robbie
Alford, currently serving
in the Louisiana Conference
at Hebert United Methodist
Church, will be leading the
special time of nurturing and
spiritual growth. Robbie is
acclaimed for the blessings
she brings to others through
her personal testimony and
poignant application of
God’s Word to everyday life.
She is also a nationally
known Christian speaker
in the areas of education,
health, business, and governmental
programs. “We
are thrilled to have Robbie as
our speaker for this special
weekend for women,” said
Reverend James Harris, minister
of Nashville First United
Methodist Church.
Over the last forty years,
Robbie has shared her hardlearned
life lessons through
Bible studies, Sunday school
classes, retreats, and ministry,
to bring encouragement,
understanding, and God’s
love to those around her.
Robbie Alford is known for
her ability to weave God’s
Word, personal experiences,
and interactive activities into
a meaningful program aimed
straight to the heart. One retreat
participant portrayed
Robbie’s unique gift as, “Robbie
has a way of speaking
to a group and making you
feel as if she is having a very
intimate conversation with
just you!” Registration will be necessary
since there is no charge for the retreat,
women are urged to pre-register by
contacting Jean at Nashville First United Methodist Church –
Phone: 870-845-3030. Casual Dress.