Home Early Files Early Files for the Week of November 2, 2015

Early Files for the Week of November 2, 2015


Early files for the week of
November 2, 2015
118 years ago: 1897
Well, it rained! A gentle
rain set in about 4 o’clock
Saturday afternoon and continued
almost incessantly
throughout the night and
Sunday and Sunday night.
More rain fell during that
time than has fallen since
last spring. The ground is
wet seven or eight inches,
and the prospect of a wheat
crop is greatly increased.
Dr. A.B. Bishop, of Centre
Point, was in to see us
yesterday. He will remove
to Ashdown next week. The
Doctor is a wide-awake, enterprising
citizen and has a
pleasant family. He is a fine
physician, and we regret to
give him up but wish him
success in his new field.
(Adv.) Chronic grumblers
never grumble about
Cheatham’s Chill Tonic. Put
up in both tasteless and bitter
styles, 50-cent bottles.
110 years ago: 1905
About a year ago H.B.
Irby had a horse stolen from
him in this city and had
never been able to locate
the animal until one day last
week. Fred Wesson, who
was driving for Mr. Irby, saw
the horse at Lockesburg and
notified Mr. Irby, who had
given up all hope of getting
the horse back. Mr. Irby
went to Lockesburg and returned
with it late Saturday
The horse was stolen
in this city on the day Sells
& Downs’ circuis exhibited
here in October of 1904, and
it had been gone a year ‘lacking
a day or two’.
(Adv.) Liquid Veneer
makes old things new. It
renews and redresses everything
it touches. Liquid
Veneer is not a varnish, but
a surface food that is absorbed
by the old finish. It
is worth $100 per bottle, but
is only 50 cents.
74 years ago: 1941
The colorful 1942 automobile
license tags went on
sale Saturday morning at the
statehouse and in the county
revenue department offices
and Revenue Commissioner
Joe Hardin is hoping Arkansas
motorists will forego
their usual practice of waiting
until the December 31
deadline to buy their tags.
The new tags are made of
steel with orange numerals
against a black background.
(Adv.) Playing Sunday
and Monday at the Howard
“Sun Valley Serenade” with
Sonja Henie, John Payne
and Glen Miller and his Orchestra.
27 years ago: 1988
Dr. M. Joycelyn Elders,
head of the State Department
of Health, will be guest
speaker here Tuesday night
at a meeting of the Nashville
PTA. Dr. Elders, a native
of Schaal, has had a distinguished
career in medicine.
After graduating from
the University of Arkansas
Medical School in 1960, she
worked as an intern at the
University of Minnesota Hospital
and as a pediatrician at
the University of Arkansas
Medical Center. She became
a professor of pediatrics at
UAMS in 1976. She has been
recognized in 100 Outstanding
Women in Arkansas,
Personalities in the South
and Distinguished Women
in America.