JPs approve VFD grant


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    MOUNT IDA – Justices of the Peace approved a resolution for a grant that will provide money to the South Fork-Center Volunteer Fire Department to help purchase new gear.
    County Judge Sammy Jones presented the resolution that would approve the GIF2 grant to the Montgomery County Quorum Court Monday night and it was read by county clerk Debbie Baxter. The resolution stated that the grant was to be used to purchase new breathing apparatuses and turn outs. Justice of the Peace Kenn Greene, who is a member of the fire department, stated that new regulations from the NFPA new forbid fire departments to use turn outs that are older than 10 years old. He told those in attendance that most of South Fork-Center’s turn outs are 13 years old and many of them have barely been used, but they must replace them.
    He added that the court will see a lot of local volunteer fire departments replacing gear as a result of the new regulations.
    The resolution passed with all of the JP’s voting yes and JP Greene abstaining due to his association with the VFD involved.
    County Judge Jones also gave a report on several road projects going on within the county. He stated that a new bridge was scheduled to be constructed on the Old Caddo Gap Road. The bridge will replace a bridge that crosses Mazarn Creek.
    He also discussed work done on Oak Grove, Logan Gap Road and at Harbor South.
    Judge Jones reported that the county was set to receive money from FEMA soon. He stated that he had 48 pages of forms related to the FEMA funds, but it was worth the effort.
    Members of the budget committee agreed to meet Thursday, October 22 to take a first look at the proposed budget for 2016.