Area-wide patriotic event held in Center Point


    Bob Williams, Chairman Howard
    Co. Republican Committee
    Andrea LeaCENTER POINT – The
    Howard County Republican
    Committee sponsored a
    free “Area-Wide Patriotic
    Event” on the eve of Columbus
    Day, hence part of
    the theme, “Rediscovering
    America; The Resurgence of
    Conservatism”. Chairman
    Williams reported the event
    was well received having
    over 100 in attendance. The
    evening began with an attractive
    selection of desserts
    featuring a decadent collection
    of cakes, pies, cookies
    and candies prepared by a
    number of Howard County’s
    most skilled bakers under
    the leadership of the renowned
    Mrs. Jo Howard.
    Prior to the introduction of
    guests, an invocation was
    given by Pastor Bruce Short
    followed by the Pledge of
    Allegiance to the American
    Flag. The array of speakers
    began with Oklahoma’s Lt.
    Governor, Todd Lamb. He
    began by sharing some of his
    background which included
    his tenure as a U.S. Secret
    Service Agent under the
    Clinton and Bush administrations
    and humorously
    related to his understanding
    of “bipartisanism” by being
    willing to take a bullet for
    both a Democrat and Republican.
    He emphasized a
    state’s sovereignty under the
    10th Amendment of the U.S.
    Constitution and he clarified
    it by sharing a story of his
    experience in Washington
    D.C. He related in his observation
    of each monument, in
    all their magnificence, they
    only exist because of the
    individual states. The states
    created our nation’s capital,
    in all of its glory; the capital
    did not create the states.
    Not everyone in Congress
    is from Arkansas, therefore,
    only Arkansans know what
    is good for Arkansas, not
    some Congressman from
    another state, thus, state
    sovereignty is not a suggestion
    it is empowerment
    of the people to decide for
    themselves. Arkansas Auditor
    of the State, Andrea Lea
    spoke next challenging citizens
    to become involved in
    their local, county and state
    government. She shared that
    by her observing things in
    her community that didn’t
    make sense, it motivated her
    to run for a local office so she
    could use the gifts she had
    towards a desire to give back
    to her community and make
    a difference.Marty Quinn Howard County
    native and Dierks’ own, State
    Senator, Marty Quinn of Oklahoma
    took the floor reflecting
    on his rearing in a small
    community by Christian
    conservative parents and
    how it shaped his values and
    has impacted the decisions
    he faces in serving as a senator
    in Oklahoma’s legislature.
    Senator Quinn stated, “The
    goal here is to hopefully
    indicate to you in some way
    that we need to start standing
    up for the values that
    made this country strong”.
    He emphasized that you and
    I, as citizens, set the rules for
    this country but the reason
    that is failing is because of
    our lack of involvement in
    our governmental process.
    “We don’t like to discuss
    the social issues, therefore
    we shy away from them”,
    Quinn related, in drawing
    attention to such governmental
    issues ranging from
    the removal of prayer from
    our schools, the uncovering
    of Planned Parenthood’s
    disregard for human life and
    the re-definition of marriage.
    Quinn stated, “Moral things
    that were in stone years
    ago are no longer in stone”,
    warning that more issues will
    rise up and will be subject to
    similar changes unless we
    begin to get involved and
    base that involvement on
    steadfast moral values and
    principles. Also addressing
    the group was Oklahoma
    State Representative Dennis
    Casey. His experience as a
    public school educator for
    30 years and head football
    coach who is acclaimed with
    ten state championships
    drew the crowd’s attention.
    Casey stated, “What’s astonishing
    is, out of thirtyseven
    thousand people in his
    district only five thousand
    are voters”, relating that
    statistic as a trend in most
    every state.DSCN0300 Arkansas State
    Representative (district-19),
    Justin Gonzales emphasized
    that his 2014 campaign and
    election to the legislature
    was based on his values and
    principles as a conservative
    Christian Constitutionalist
    and that he hopes he represents
    that in all he does
    in serving his district . He
    briefly discussed some of
    the positive legislation that
    he was proud to be involved
    in passing concerning Pro-
    Life and Religious Freedom
    in Arkansas. He reminded
    everyone that he hopes to
    represent the values of every
    person in his district and
    welcomes every phone call
    or text. The final speaker for
    the event was Arkansas State
    Representative (district-4),
    DeAnn Vaught who shared
    a familiar story in tune with
    most of the previous speakers.
    She related that she
    had no inkling of political
    aspirations in her future and
    that she is a wife, mom and a
    life-long farmer, but strongly
    believes her conservative
    Christian values, accompanied
    by divine intervention
    guided her into public service.
    “I knew that by running
    for public office I would have
    to make sacrifices” stated
    Vaught, and that she would
    miss out on events with her
    children in order to serve the
    public, but she had always
    stressed to her daughters to
    stand up for what is right and
    now her teaching had come
    full circle. The evening ended
    with Chairman Williams
    reminding everyone of the
    two foundational documents
    establishing this nation, the
    Declaration of Independence
    and the U.S. Constitution. He
    reflected on the thirty-nine
    signers of the Declaration
    of Independence, and how
    they literally signed their
    own death warrant and if
    they, as a struggling group
    of colonist, were to fail in
    their impending fight for freedom
    from English tyranny; it
    would cost them their very
    lives. Williams stated, “I am
    a military veteran and served
    my country for twenty-two
    years, traveling all over the
    world and I assure you there
    is no place like the United
    States of America and we
    must work hard to preserve
    it, if not for ourselves, for our
    children, our grandchildren
    and future generations”.DSCN0284