Mary Crosslin
Local Events Columnist
I have heard from several Nashville News and DeQueen
Bee news paper readers in the last few days showing
concern about me and the people in the community. I am
happy to report that we have had only one emergency
that turned out fine, and I am still on the job. Thanks for
your concern. Now I know that you are out there and care.
The Mount Zion Church,
White Cliffs will celebrate
their 136th Church anniversary
on October 25,
2015, at 3:00 p.m. It is one
of the oldest churches in
the county. The Pastor and
members of the church extend a welcome to the public,
to be a guest and help celebrate this great occasion that
God has allowed them to serve.
The hunting is starting to take off in our area. I hope
people will realize in this community that our houses
are close to the wooded area, and take the proper safety
standards. However, I do not want any hunting for deer in
my immediate area, because I am familiar with the deer
grazing habits and the trails they take. I guess I feel like
I know them.
Dorothy Bailey, one of the seniors that regularly attends
the senior activities in DeQueen, said goodbye to
one of her friends, Ms. Mildred Nelson, last week. We all
loved her and the joy she brought when in her presence.
To the family, we offer you the love of God to comfort you
while you are missing her.
Chester Bruce, Columbus, GA, son of Jesse (Pal)
Bruce of Texarkana, AR passed away Monday morning,
and Jewell Mae Terrell, sister to Vernolia Johnson, California,
passed away this weekend. She is the Aunt to the
Ware family in Graves Chapel. We are remembering both
families in prayer.
“Let not your heart be troubled: Ye believe in God, believe
also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions:
if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a
place for you. And I will come again and receive you unto
myself: that where I am, there ye may be also.”
Go Mineral Springs Hornets!