Anyone interested in running for county office as a Democrat or Republican must file their intent to do so November 2-9.
Anyone wishing to file as a Democrat may do so in the old yellow Steve Standridge building across from the courthouse. The office will be open 12-2 p.m. November 2 and November 9. they will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. November 3-6.
Filing fees for county judge is $409.18, sheriff/collector $403.93, county clerk $381.44, surveyor and constable $20 and committee person is $5.
Those wishing to file as a Republican candidate may come by the Republican committee office located on George Street in Mount Ida. They will be open November 2 from 12-4:30 p.m. For other days please contact Michael Hobson (870) 867-2391 or Jon Standridge at (870) 867-7242.
If you are interested in running for office you can pick up a “Running for Public Office” handbook at the county clerk’s office in the courthouse.
The handbook is provided by the state election commission for all interested parties.