Next week, primary
students will focus on the
important message of
being drug-free. We want
this to be an exciting and
educational time for our
Monday’s theme:
“Wear Red, White and
Blue~ for a Drug Free
America.” To start off the
week, primary staff and
students are asked to wear
red, white and blue clothing
to support a drug-free
America. Students will
be given a red ribbon to
be worn everyday of the
week. The Drug-Free
pledge will be read daily
over the intercom.
Tuesday’s theme:
“Wacky~Tacky Day!”
Students are asked
to dress tacky, and show
that there is nothing to be
confused about…Drugs are
Wednesday’s theme:
“Follow Your Dreams~
Drug Free!” Being drug
free comes in cans! I can,
you can, we can, be anything
if we stay Drug Free.
Students are asked to
dress as what they want
to be when they grow up.
Students are also asked
to bring canned foods. We
will be collecting these
items all week.
Thursday’s theme: “Be
a Super Hero; Say KaPOW
to Drugs!”
Students dress up as
their favorite Super Hero
in support of living a drug
free life!
Friday’s theme: “Super
Scrappers Defeat Drugs!!
Students are asked to
wear our school colors orange
and black to support
the Scrappers and be Drug
do Drugs!”
– Tyra Hughes and
Christy Young
Nashville Primary