The Murfreesboro City Council met Tuesday, October 13 and voted to keep the city’s millage rate at 3%. The topic was well discussed due to the city’s need to decide how it will pay for the new sanitation truck that was a necessary purchase.
With no millage increase, the Council must decide if they will initiate an additional $3 fee to the water and sewer bills or ask for an increase in sales tax.
An increase in the millage to cover the truck would have only affected citizens within the city limits that own property. An addition to the water bill will only be paid by citizens within the city that pay a water bill. A sales tax increase would have everyone (even tourists) that shop in the city to help with the purchase of the truck.
During the peak of the tourist season the city pays extra money to the landfill because the trash dramatically increases during that time period.
The Council tabled the decision on how to increase the revenue until their November meeting.
In other Council news:
Paving began on Preston Lane only to have equipment break down. The equipment should be repaired soon and the city’s paving projects can continue.
The Murfreesboro Chamber of Commerce will host “Diamonds in the Fall” in conjunction with the Junior Auxiliary of Murfreesboro’s “Trunk of Treat”. Friday, October 30 and Saturday, October 31. The Arkansas Highway Department has authorized the closure of the Courthouse Square for those dates and Murfreesboro Mayor Rodney Fagan encourages all businesses and citizens to participate and make this an enjoyable family time and a safe alternative to area children and families.
Councilman Jeff Walls asked Mayor Fagan if there had been any more discussion concerning property owned by the city that is in need of clean-up by property owner Jimmy Cherry. Mayor Fagan said that he had spoken briefly with Cherry, but no decision has been made at this time.
The unpaved platted street near Cherry’s property would have to be maintained by the city as a utility easement due to water and sewer lines being located there. The City will not pay for any legal paperwork involving the closing of the street and the street would have to be divided equally between any land owners for the closure to take affect.