Home Uncategorized Local families learn about Nashville’s Migrant Education program

Local families learn about Nashville’s Migrant Education program


migrant photoNASHVILLE – On Sept. 30, the Migrant Education Special Projects Coordinator Holli
Boyett and Migrant Clerk Cristal Perez met with K-12 students and parents at Nashville
Elementary School.
According to NES Principal Latito Williams via press release, “Migrant Education provides
supplemental services to students whose families seek temporary or seasonal work
in agriculture, fishing, or related industries.” Anyone who would like more information or
would like to see if they qualify for the program may contact the migrant clerk/tutor Cristal
Perez at 870-845-3418.
Families were notified that students will receive a Samsung Galaxy tablet that will be
used for the MyOn reading program. These devices will be used at school and at home,
Williams ended.