Home Uncategorized NHS Class of 1975 to host 40th reunion

NHS Class of 1975 to host 40th reunion


The Nashville High
School Class of 1975
will be holding their 40th
Class Reunion on Oct.
16-17. The planned
schedule is as follows:
* Fri., Oct. 16, at
7 p.m., there will be a
casual gathering at the
home of Ann (Chesshir)
and Rick Hicks located
at #8 Fair Beauty in the
Dildy Estates, Hwy 27
N, 5 miles from Nashville.
Finger foods will be
* Sat., Oct. 17, at
11 a.m., there will be a
tour of Nashville High
School and the Scrapper
athletic facilities.
Participants are asked
to meet in the stadium
parking lot prior to the
tour. Following the tour,
there will be a pizza
lunch at the home of
Sandy (Reeves) and Arin
Stanley, located at 1003
Pump Springs Road.
There will be a swimming
pool open.
Also on Saturday
at 6 p.m., a dinner will
be held at the Haddan
House Event Venue, located
at 406 E. Runnels
in Mineral Springs. Cost
will be $10 per person.
RSVP is needed for the
dinner meal.
More information
can be found on the
NHS Class of 1975
Facebook page