Home Breaking News Delight fire chief’s final fire call

Delight fire chief’s final fire call

Delight Fire Chief Michael Delaney, 46, was laid to rest during a special ceremony Saturday at the Delight Cemetery, which was attended by dozens of fellow firefighters. At the ceremony’s end, Pike County paged out Delaney for his final fire call: “Having heard no response from Delight 1 Fire Chief Michael Delaney, we know that Michael Delaney on Sept. 12, 2015, has responded to his last call on earth and that the fire department in heaven has a new responder. Michael Delaney served the citizens of Delight and Pike County for 20 years. We appreciate Michael Delaney’s dedication and his family’s sacrifices during the time he was a firefighter. Michael Delaney has now become a guardian who will help watch out for all firefighters as they respond to emergencies. Fire Chief Michael Delaney has completed his tour as a firefighter in this life. Be safe until we meet again. Pike County Fire Dispatch clear.”
Michelle Delaney, sister of Delight Fire Chief Michael Delaney accepts the American flag from his casket. Pictured to her right is her other brother, David Delany of Salem, Ore.
Michelle Delaney, sister of Delight Fire Chief Michael Delaney accepts the American flag from his casket. Pictured to her right is her other brother, David Delany of Salem, Ore.