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Pike Co. fair dates set



GLENWOOD – The Pike County Fair will be held Sept. 21-26. All junior livestock and exhibitors pre-registration forms must be postmarked by July 31, and forms for Open Livestock and Exhibitors must be postmarked by Aug. 22 and be signed by the 4H Program Assistant, County Advisor or FFA Advisor before being returned to the Pike County Fair Association. Call 870-285-2161 or 870-356-3916 to request forms.
Animals must be pre-registered in order to participate in the premium sale. Animals with registration papers and a tattoo must list the exhibitor as 100 percent owner on the registration papers and must be shown in the registered class.
Testing for poultry and fowl will be held Sat., September 12 from 8 a.m. to noon. No poultry or fowl will be allowed on the fairgrounds without testing. At the same time, rabbits will receive exhibition tattoos. Paperwork for both classes will be done then, as well.