Home Breaking News Former teller admits $14K theft from bank

Former teller admits $14K theft from bank


A former Murfreesboro bank teller has been charged in Pike County Circuit Court for allegedly stealing more than $14,000 from Bear State Bank.

Holly L. Littles, 37, made a first appearance on a theft of property charge Monday. She was ordered to return to court with an attorney on Aug. 10 for formal arraignment. Littles was released on an “own recognizance” bond.

According to Murfreesboro Police Chief Randy Lamb’s affidavit of arrest, he received a call from Bear State Bank on July 9 to meet with Jim Arrington and Terri Coleman and two other bank officials. They informed Lamb the bank had conducted an audit and found that two employees had “cash outages.” The officials also said the two employees were no longer employed by the bank.

The following day, Lamb was called to the Pike County Jail to meet with Littles, who allegedly confessed to taking $14,280.91 from the bank over a period of one and a half months. Littles also informed Lamb she wanted to pay the money back.

That same day, a bank official faxed Chief Lamb a report that the recent audit showed Littles’ cash drawer was short and she had confessed to the crime. The fax also noted the bank wanted to pursue charges against Littles.

Arrington informed Lamb later that day that Littles had repaid the bank in full that day.

Lamb said Monday that charges are still possible against the other unnamed bank employee whose case drawer came up short during the audit.