Home Uncategorized Application period opens for those hoping to participate in mobility-impaired hunts

Application period opens for those hoping to participate in mobility-impaired hunts


Image processed by CodeCarvings Piczard ### FREE Community Edition ### on 2013-07-08 14:28:35Z |  |

The Army Corps of Engineers will take applications through Sept. 1 for the 2015 special deer hunts that provide accessibility to disabled military and mobility impaired hunters.
Applicants can apply for up to three different hunting locations throughout Arkansas. Eligible applicants must suffer from paralysis, amputation of a limb, or at least 50 percent physical disability. Those suffering from paralysis or amputation are not required to be active or retired military.
Applicants must submit a completed application form and doctor’s letter to be eligible. A drawing will be held in September to select hunters.
The mobility impaired hunting dates have been set for Oct. 8-9 at Lake Greeson, Nov. 20-22 at Gillham Lake and Nov. 21-22 at Lake Ouachita. For more information on the events, contact Marty Reynolds at Lake Greeson (285-2151), Victor Kuykendall at Gillham (584-4146) or Joe Bailey at Ouachita (501-767-2108).