De Queen woman arrested here on pair of drug charges


    NASHVILLE – A De Queen woman was arrested on a pair of drug charges Thursday afternoon following a traffic stop on the Highway 27 bypass.
    According to city narcotics investigator Mark Barnes, 18 year old Patcy Martinez was taken into custody as part of a traffic stop conducted by officer Greg Parker. Barnes said Parker originally stopped the vehicle, a red Chysler 200, because its driver, 27 year old Demario Scoggins, was wanted on a parole violation warrant.
    After arresting Scoggins and allegedly detecting the odor of marijuana while approaching the vehicle, Parker initiated a K9 walkaround which reportedly indicated the presence of drugs in the vehicle. During a subsequent search, Barnes said Parker discovered numerous plastic bags containing suspected methamphetamine residue and a prescription drug bottle containing the painkiller Tramadol in a black purse located on the rear passenger floorboard.
    Parker found 28, 500 miligram tablets of the drug in the bottle, which was issued in another person’s name, Barnes said.
    Martinez was arrested on charges of possessing a controlled substance and possessing drug paraphernalia. The suspect remains in jail on a $5,000 bond.