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2015-2016 Kirby Elementary School Supply List


2015-2016 KIRtrojan-mascot-with-spear-and-shield, maroon and gray, lighter for better printBY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST

KINDERGARTEN:  Vinyl mat (no pillows or covers, please), Fiskars school scissors, small plastic school supply box (approximately 6” x 9” with no handles or zippers), three pocket folders with pockets on bottom, eight number two pencils (regular size), eight pencil-top erasers, one small bottle of liquid glue, two large glue sticks, four 24-count boxes Crayola crayons, PRIMARY composition notebook (blank on top, lined at the bottom), regular size clear backpack with one zipper pocket works best, one large box of tissue, and complete change of clothes.

FIRST GRADE:  One clear backpack, one small supply box, number two pencils, one pack pencil top erasers, two boxes 24-count Crayola crayons, two glue sticks, three pocket folders with pockets on bottom, one ruler, one PRIMARY composition notebook (blank on top lined at the bottom), one box zipper bags (girls bring quart size, boys bring gallon size), two large boxes of tissue, two dry erase markers, one pair scissors, one container of disinfecting wipes, one bottle of Germ-X, and $5.00 for Scholastic News.

SECOND GRADE:  One pack of wide ruled loose leaf paper, one composition notebook, two packs of #2 pencils, one pack of pencil top erasers, one small pair of scissors, one box of 24 count crayons, one ruler, four pocket folders without prongs, one box of quart size baggies, one box of tissues, two glue sticks, one small supply box, one small pencil sharpener, one yellow highlighter, clear backpack, and art supplies.

THIRD GRADE:  Two packages number two pencils (NO MECHANICAL PENCILS), cap erasers, wide-ruled loose leaf paper, one ruler, one bottle Elmer’s liquid glue, one glue stick, scissors, three pocket folders WITH PRONGS, one journal style composition notebook, COLORED PENCILS (NEEDED for MATH), one box zipper bags (girls bring quart size/boys bring gallon size), two large boxes tissue, one roll paper towels, crayons, one yellow highlighter, and pencil sharpener.  NO TRAPPER KEEPERS.

FOURTH GRADE:  Students should not bring any supplies because the school will buy them.  Instead, we ask that each student bring $15 to purchase newspapers for social studies, science, and reading.  (OPTIONAL:  some type of organizational tool such as binder or Trapper Keeper, and a clear backpack)

FIFTH GRADE:  Students should not bring any supplies because the school will buy them.  Instead, we ask that each student bring $15 to purchase newspapers for social studies, science, and reading.  (OPTIONAL:  some type of organizational tool such as binder or Trapper Keeper, and a clear backpack)

SIXTH GRADE:  Students should not bring any supplies because the school will buy them.  Instead, we ask that each student bring $15 to purchase newspapers for social studies, science, and reading.  (OPTIONAL:  some type of organizational tool such as binder or Trapper Keeper, and a clear backpack)







$2 -for paint

Glue sticks

1 package of crayons

1 set of markers

1 pair of blunt tip scissors



$2 for paint

Glue sticks

1 package of colored pencils

1 set of markers

1 pair of pointed scissors