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Commission approves dove season dates


arkansas game and fish commission

LITTLE ROCK – Hunting may be the furthest thought from the minds of Arkansas outdoorsmen, but fall hunting was on the agenda for today’s meeting of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. During the meeting, the Commission set the state’s dove season dates. Commissioners also heard a proposal for the late migratory bird seasons.

Early migratory bird season dates:

Mourning Dove and Eurasian Collared Dove

Sept. 5-Oct. 24 and Dec. 19, 2015-Jan. 7, 2016

Teal Season

Sept. 12-27


Rail Season

Sept. 12-Nov. 20


Woodcock Season

Nov. 7-Dec. 21


Common Snipe Season

Nov. 1, 2015-Feb. 15, 2016


Purple Gallinule and Common Moorhen Season

Sept. 1-Nov. 9


Early Canada Goose Season

Sept. 1-15


Northwest Canada Goose Zone Season

Sept. 19-28


AGFC Waterfowl Program Coordinator Luke Naylor presented the Commission with the late migratory season proposals.

Proposed duck season dates:

Nov. 21-29

Dec. 10-Dec. 23

Dec. 26-Jan. 31

Youth Hunt: Feb. 6-7

Canada, White-fronted, snow, blue and Ross’s goose seasons

Nov. 19-Jan. 31

Snow, blue and Ross’s goose conservation order

                 Oct. 10-Nov. 18, Feb. 1-5 and Feb. 8-April 25