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New softball coach selected


Yellow softball with red stiching isolated on white.

NASHVILLE – A veteran softball coach with over a decade of experience at the 2A level was hired Monday to head the Scrapperette program next spring.
Chad Hutson, who held the position at Woodlawn for the past 10 years, was chosen by a unanimous vote of the board of education during a special meeting held Monday. Superintendent Doug Graham said a number of factors encouraged the board to approve Hutson’s employment, including a proven record of exposing athletes with college potential to training and resources needed to ease the transition.
“The big thing is, he considers himself a softball coach first,” Graham said. “I don’t think we could have found anyone who would work as hard as he will on softball.”
A Smithville, Oklahoma native, Hutson began his career teaching second and fifth grade students in Texas and Oklahoma, but rose to prominence as a softball coach at Foreman, where he led the team to the state finals in 2005, ultimately losing to the school that would become his home for the next decade. Speaking to media Tuesday, Hutson said he was attracted to the position at Nashville by the strong history of success the program has enjoyed under former coach Paul Earnest.
“Being a Scrapper is important in this community and this area,” Hutson said. “Coach Earnest did a great job here. My goals are probably not gonna be that far off from him. If you’re any coach at Nashville you’re expected to win state championships so that’s one of my goals.”
In addition to Hutson, the school board also voted to hire his wife, Jennifer, as a primary teacher, and Andrea Pinegar as an elementary special education instructor.
Tasha Fant was also hired as a dyslexia interventionist who will split time between the Nashville and Mineral Springs Saratoga school districts, fulfilling a role required by recent changes in state law. Graham said Fant will provide therapy to students who show signs of the condition following the Barton Reading and Spelling System, which he described as being the most backed by science of the options available.
Elementary Principal Shirley Wright reported that students at that campus are tested for the disorder three times each year, screenings which revealed that around 15 percent of the district’s student population “can show dyslexic characteristics.”