The grandson of the late Ottis and Ava Nell Harris of Nashville has been selected to be a panelist at the prestigious National Institute of Public Finance at Pepperdine University in California
Jim Harris, chief of staff for Arkansas State Treasurer Dennis Milligan, is scheduled to go to the NIPF’s school at Pepperdine to obtain a Certificate in Executive Public Treasury Management (CPTM) during classes set for July 26-29.
Harris and his wife, the former Pat Huckabee of Hope, live in Bryant with their grandson, James Ottis Harris V.
The CPTM is the only certificate program designed exclusively for public treasury professionals. Participants will learn the core technical skill sets required of public treasuries nationwide.
“It is an honor to be selected to speak to my peers across the nation during a panel discussion on the challenges of coming into an office following the last elected official leaving the office in disgrace and in a mess,” Harris said.
Those attending will gain specialized expertise by studying the three distinct tracks offered: investments and pensions, executive public treasury management, and public finance and debt management.
The Institute’s new partnership with Pepperdine University represents a collaborative effort between the Foundation and the University’s Schools of Business and Public Policy. This is the first time these courses will be taught to treasury employees.
Harris has been active in the National Association of State Treasurers since becoming Milligan’s chief of staff on Jan. 14, 2015.
The NAST Foundation is dedicated to enhancing government officials’ understanding of public financial management, and providing educational materials and opportunities to all individuals and/or parties interested in understanding public and personal financial management.
The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization, founded by NAST for the purpose of providing education and support that enable member states to pursue and administer sound financial policies and programs benefiting the nation’s citizens.
Membership is composed of all state treasurers or state finance officials with comparable responsibilities from the United States, its commonwealths, territories, and the District of Columbia.
The NIPF website says: “The Institute and Certificate in Public Treasury Management program bring together the nation’s most respected public finance industry experts, including both public and private-sector professionals and accomplished academic leaders to help members enhance their skill set and operate at the highest levels.