NASHVILLE – The Nashville Rural Water Public Authority held a public meeting Tuesday afternoon to authorize a revenue bond worth $2.51 million that will go towards financing an expansion project.
The proposed expansion will improve service in areas where water demand has increased, such as the Highland community.
“Well demand has increased so much on that plane and that is the main reason for the expansion and we are tying in our Highway 4 plane to our South System Plane,” Water Manager Ryan Stuckey explained. “We will do an interconnection out towards the hospital complex and that will allow us to move water in case of emergency from one side to another without having to use any sort of alternate power source.”
Financing from the revenue bond will pay for around 22 miles of new, larger diameter piping that will help reinforce two pressure planes, according Stuckey. The two pressure planes include the Highway 4 area around Murray Lane and the Highway 26 plane that ranges from Highland to Roy and back down to the Dierks service area. These upgrades will last for the next 30-40 years, according to Stuckey.
The loan will close on July 15 and notice to proceed will be filed on July 17. Stuckey says the new upgrades will help provide enough water to the high demand areas.