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State agencies perform evaluation at regional water facility


web CPE 1MT. IDA – Representatives of varying state agencies spent a week in Mount Ida performing a Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of the regional water facilities.
The Arkansas Department of Health and the Arkansas Rural Water Association were involved in the CPE.
The voluntary evaluation gives the state agencies and the regional water facility an opportunity to examine every aspect of the water system as they look for ways to optimize the processes involved.
Individuals involved in the CPE included Aaron Hilborn, Austin Lee, Chris Roberts, Feff Ford, Marshall Hatfield, Roy Richards, Craig Corder, Ted Weston and Bob Arthur.
Bob Arthur explained that the CPE allows members of different agencies to get together and “put their heads together” and look at the processes involved at the facility.
The CPE looks at all areas of the water treatment facility. Those involved divided into teams and looked at operations, financials, methods and hardware. Every aspect of the process is important. Whether it be treatment practices and the proper use of chemicals, paperwork, or the appropriate use and size of equipment. All areas are examined. The CPE would also include interviews with board members.
Arthur thanked the rural water association for letting them perform a voluntary CPE. He admitted that although they are usually voluntary, there are times when they are mandatory due to poor performance at certain facilities.
The Montgomery County Regional Public Water Authority primarily provides water for Mount Ida and Oden.