Home Breaking News Immanuel Baptist Church marks 90th anniversary with special day

Immanuel Baptist Church marks 90th anniversary with special day

Current and former staff members led a special worship service Sunday morning for the 90th anniversary of Immanuel Baptist Church. They include (front row) pastor emeritus Glen Green, current pastor Paul Bullock, former pastor Elton McCann and current music and education minister Jerome Cooper; (back row) former music and youth minister Phillip Dunn, former youth minister Greg Faulkner, former music and youth minister Jeff Rice, and current student pastor Brent Thompson.

By John R. Schirmer

Leader staff

Members and former members of Immanuel Baptist Church of Nashville marked the congregation’s 90th anniversary with a special worship service Sunday morning.

Current and former staff members led the service, which featured music, testimonies and an anniversary sermon.

State Sen. Larry Teague of Nashville presented a framed Arkansas Senate proclamation to the church.

Current pastor Paul Bullock welcomed worshipers, who filled the church’s auditorium. Current music and education minister Jerome Cooper led the congregational singing, which included “I Will Sing of the Mercies,” “Victory in Jesus” and “10,000 Reasons.”

Former pastor Elton McCann gave the invocation. He also delivered a charge to the congregation at the end of the program and led the benediction.

Video testimonies from members of Immanuel were shown, including J.J. White, Shirley Chalker, Murle Stuckey, Cindy Petty, Orville Feemster and Noel Linville. Donny Woods also shared a testimony from the pulpit.

Current student pastor Brent Thompson gave the offertory prayer, followed by a duet by former music and youth minister Phillip Dunn and his wife Vicki.

Dunn led the choir’s presentation of “I Love My Savior, Too,” a song performed by the choir during Dunn’s tenure as music director.

Former music and youth minister Jeff Rice sang a solo before pastor emeritus Glen Green delivered the message.

Following the service, a meal was served in the church’s activities building. Later, members, former members and guests returned to the auditorium for an afternoon of singing and testimonies about the church.

Eileen Linville was chairperson of the 90th anniversary planning committee. Members included Mark Cassady, Peggy Cooper, Deb Kinkade and Bill Spigner.