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Centerpoint Students Awarded for good character and outstanding citizenship


Kaden and Nevaeh.JPEGMAY FIRST KNIGHTS … Fourth grader Nevaeh Counts was nominated for good character and outstanding citizenship. Her favorite subject is math and Hobby is drawing; Fifth grader Kaden Owens was nominated for academic excellence, outstanding character, and excellent attitude. His favorite subject is science and hobby is fishing and sports. Sixth grader Sierra Cates was nominated for excellent work, receiving first place in the junior Duck Stamp contest, good character, and always willing to help. Her favorite subject is art and music and her hobbies include reading and watching Netflix. Seventh grader Andrea Wright was nominated for being great team player, always contributing to classroom discussions, always being at school, and always having a smile on her face.  Her favorite subject is science and hobbies include reading. Eighth grader Bradley Neighbors was nominated for displaying initiative and having excellent character. His favorite subject is Math and his hobbies include drawing.