NASHVILLE – The Howard County Historical Society plans to allow individuals to sponsor a pew at the museum, according to discussion during their Tuesday night meeting.
Chairman Freddy Horne suggested the idea to the quorum members present, saying that the money raised would be used to provide air conditioning for the building. The group generally agreed with the idea and plans to sell sponsorship for each of the eight pews for $250 apiece. A plaque with each of the sponsor’s names or the name of the individual in which the pew is purchased for will be placed on the items.
Horne also provided a work update to the board, informing them that the inside walls had been gone over with primer and much of the woodwork had been varnished. That day, four Howard County Jail inmates had donated their time to scrape paint from the side of the building and Horne said that upon the completion of this school year, he will further work on getting the “outside paint coordinated.” He noted that the paint will be a major purchase, estimating costs to be $18,000 and mentioned the possibility of seeking out a sponsor for that portion of the project. Board member Scott Horne asked the chairman if he had considered reaching out to Home Depot, Lowes or one of the local building supplies stores for paint donation in exchange for publicity. F. Horne said he would consider that idea and informed the group that he is also looking into grants to pay for the purchase.
F. Horne also stated that when summer began, he would begin looking into having the wiring replaced and that he planned to contract an attic cleaner.
The historical society remarked earlier that they were in need of some industrial metal shelves and is seeking someone to donate the product.