The Lockesburg classes of 1934-1991 will hold their reunion at the Lockesburg Auditorium/Gym on June 6. Registration will begin at 1 p.m. and last until 5 p.m.
A meal will not be served this year.
The cost of the event will be $8 per person at the door. Children under 8 get in free. The fee includes registration, refreshments, postage and cleaning expenses. Any fund remaining will go to the reunion account for the expenses of the 2020 reunion.
Former classmates are invited to bring family members or other guests.
Dress will be comfortable and casual.
For more information, contact Betty Currence at 279 Red Colony Road in Lockesburg by calling 870-289-3034 or 870-557-2831 or by calling Velma Owens at 300 E. Magnolia in Lockesburg, who’s number is 870-289-6601 or 870-784-1474.