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Sewer, garbage truck repairs top agenda


images (2)TOLLETTE – Public works and town finances again dominated a two hour meeting of the Tollette town council Tuesday evening.

The town’s water, sewer and streets manager, Andoval Williams, made a comprehensive report to council members on the state of the town’s sewer and water systems, which he characterized as much improved over the start of the year: All pumps at lift stations are now operational, discharges from the town’s sewage treatment ponds are now to approved levels (despite a blockage last week which he said he received help from Nashville’s public works department to clear), all major infiltrations of the sewer system are handled, and the drinking water system not only is experiencing no problems, but Williams reported that he completed a flush of the town’s water tower and is about half finished with a flush of water lines to reduce rust, discoloration and sediment in the town’s water, which he stated will be happening on a regular schedule from now on.
Mayor Charles Miller stated that he hoped to hold a brief business meeting for the council next month, then take them on a tour of the town’s water and sewer facilities.
Miller also requested some changes to the town’s delinquent water shutoff policy. He stated that the $10 reconnect fee was insufficient for the time and trouble for the town’s lone employee, and proposed that the reconnect fee for delinquent accounts be raised to $25 during the regular working week and $40 on weekends, saying this would bring Tollette’s fees in line with surrounding municipalities. Miller also noted that shutoffs are currently done on the 17th of each month, while regular meter reading is performed on the 20th of the month, and suggested moving shutoffs to the same date as reading so that only one circuit of the town’s water meters would be needed. The council approved both measures, to take effect in the next water billing cycle.
When covering financial issues, Miller and town recorder/treasurer Dorothy Walker noted that the purchase of a lawn mower, pumps for the sewage system and a chlorinator left the balance of monies into and out of the town’s accounts negative for this month. They noted that those expenses are not expected to be repeated, so town finances should not be too heavily impacted, Miller reported.
In unrelated business, the council heard a report from the trucking company working on repairing the town’s garbage truck in which it was stated that they are having to call in technicians from the manufacturer to understand why the parts they ordered for the truck are not functioning, according to Miller. Miller expressed frustration with K D Truck Repair, the company contracted to repair the town’s garbage truck, as it will soon be five months that they have had the vehicle in their care.
Speaking after the meeting, representatives of K D Truck Repair stated that they hope to have the repairs completed later this week and that they regretted the delays.