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Keep Arkansas Beautiful comes to the Caddo River


LITTLE ROCGACK – Already, more than 6,000 Arkansans volunteers have or are expected to, take part in 71 Keep America Beautiful Great American Cleanup events scheduled across the state, with more cleanup coordinators registering cleanups daily. This year’s national spring cleanup campaign will include cleanups and other environmental improvement events in all states across the country and engage millions of volunteers. It runs through May 31.
A Keep Arkansas Beautiful Clean Up Day is being organized for the Caddo River on Sunday afternoon April 12 (19 rain out) around 1 p.m.
Caddo River Camping and Canoe Rental will host the Caddo River Glenwood Clean-Up, providing canoes and shuttles for registered volunteers to pick up litter during the cleanup.
For those who do not want to paddle, they have a large area for walking litter pick-up.
To contact event coordinators David & Gayla Claborn to register as a volunteer for this event, e-mail float@caddoriver.com or call 870-356-5336.
The official link for the event can be viewed at http://keeparkansasbeautiful.com/events/caddo-river-glenwood-clean-up-41215/ where interested participants can register for the event electronically.
Claborn said they hope to get more sponsors and have prizes available.
During cleanup events, volunteers pick up litter, help at recycling events, plant flowers and trees, cleanup parks and public areas, and beautify their communities.
The Great American Cleanup is a program of Keep America Beautiful and is promoted in Arkansas by the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission (KAB).  Once a community or individual signs up to host a cleanup event, KAB will help organize and publicize the effort. KAB will also provide the event with Glad® trash bags, gloves, safety vests and other cleanup supplies for use by the volunteer.
“It’s easy to get involved in the Great American Cleanup,” said Elizabeth Philpott, volunteer services coordinator at KAB. “Whether it is organizing an event or volunteering, there’s a great opportunity for everyone to take part in this nationwide cleanup, right here in Arkansas and express their pride in their community’s clean and green improvement.” Additionally, citizens can offer encouragement and find or follow events through the KAB mobile app and our Facebook and other social media platforms.
For opportunities to volunteer statewide, visit KeepArkansasBeautiful.com, email info@keeparkansasbeautiful.com or call toll-free 888-742-8701. Additionally, anyone can download the free KAB app now available in the Apple Store and Google Play Store to find local volunteer opportunities and recycling centers.

About Keep Arkansas Beautiful
As a certified state affiliate of Keep America Beautiful Inc., the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission (KAB) works to inspire and educate individuals to reduce litter, recycle and keep Arkansas beautiful. KAB is a division of the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism. A three-person professional staff and a nine-member advisory board manage its programs. KAB is funded by 1 percent of the eighth-cent Conservation Tax and, by mobilizing volunteers, returns to the state a cost benefit of more than $6 in community service for each program dollar spent. For more information about KAB, visit KeepArkansasBeautiful.com or stay connected on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.