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Road resurfacing projects to begin in Howard County


LITTLE ROCK – Bids were approved recently for a number of highway resurfacing projects set to take place in Howard County in the coming weeks.
According to statements issued by the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department, 1.7 miles of roadway in Mineral Springs and 9.4 miles in and around the city of Nashville will be resurfaced beginning in the next two to four weeks. C&F Construction Company, Inc., of Smackover, was awarded the contract for each of the projects, totaling $821,938.

Improvements in Mineral Springs will center around Browning, McCrary and Powell Streets, while those inside the city of Nashville will take place on North Fifth, Clark, South Hutchinson, South Mill and North Washington Streets. Additional work in the county located near Nashville will take place on County Roads 8, 9, 284 and 834.
The county road projects are funded through the State Aid Road Program established by the legislature and administered by the State Aid Division of the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department. This program provides approximately $20 million annually from the state motor fuels tax to assist counties with projects of their choosing on the county road system.
For more information on the projects, visit IDriveArkansas.com or ArkansasHighways.com, or follow @AHTD on Twitter.