Home Uncategorized Master Gardener plant sale a huge success

Master Gardener plant sale a huge success


IMG_7611The weather cooperated beautifully for the Master Gardener Plant Sale held Saturday in Mount Ida on the grounds of Heritage House Museum of Montgomery County.
The rain subsided and the sun shone on this annual event. The Montgomery County group of Master Gardeners has a relatively small membership roster but is always touted by Janet Carson, state coordinator for the U of A Master Gardener program, as being extremely active and impressively successful in their various endeavors.
By far the majority of the plant material presented at the sale comes directly from the Master Gardeners. They have either started the sale plants from seeds or propagated favorite plants from their own homes and yards. It is encouraging to know that the plants purchased at this particular sale will definitely do well in our local environment. There are always generous donations of plants, crafted items, books, etc. given to the Master Gardeners by family, friends and neighbors who support the efforts and successes of this community spirited group in the landscape projects they develop and maintain throughout the county.  To those thoughtful donors and the many enthusiastic shoppers who visited the sale on Saturday the Montgomery County Master Gardeners offer their sincere gratitude.
The public is always welcome to attend the monthly MCMG meetings and educational programs held at the County Annex building on Ray Dr. in Mount Ida. If you are community minded, like digging in the dirt, enjoy edible and/or decorative plants, and are interested in becoming a Master Gardener, please call the Cooperative Extension Office at 867-2311. Annual trainings are offered to prospective members.