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Dierks school finances in good shape, board told


graphDIERKS – A positive report on financial standings as compared to last year was given at Thursday night’s school board meeting.

Superintendent Holly Cothren reported that, “Comparing the state total operating from this time this year to this time last year, we are at $1,165,483.98, which is $18,424 above where we were this time last year.”
A check that amounted to a little over $58,000 was received last week from the state auditor for the recently completed safe room that was constructed on the elementary school campus. This check will be used to replace the school’s most recent expenditure of on a security system.
Three bids for copying systems were also reviewed at Thursday night’s meeting. After hearing from a representative of Vanco Systems and reviewing a comparison between the company and two others, the board voted to accept the bid from Vanco Systems, which will cost an estimated $1,039.58 a month.
Other business at the gathering included:
• Accepting a proposed calendar for the upcoming year. Aside from other differences, the one chosen will have a day-shorter winter break but include a day off in April.
• The vote to accept a $14,001.75 bid from Yellow Rose Janitorial for floor care at the high school and elementary over the summer.