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Montgomery County Schools receive high marks


schoolThe tables have been turned with county school districts receiving grades for their performance recently and they did well with three of the six campuses receiving A’s and the other three close behind with B’s.
Oden High School led the way with a 290 out of 300 possible points. They ranked in the top six among high schools in the state with their score.
Principal William Edwards stated that he was proud of his teachers, staff and especially the students for what they do at Oden High School.
Oden Elementary scored a 261, just nine points short of an A.
Caddo Hills Elementary was the only elementary campus in Montgomery County to rate an A with a score of 274.
The High School scored a B with a score of 249.
Mount Ida may have been the most consistent district in the county with both campuses scoring within 10 points of one another.
Mount Ida High School received an A with a score of 276, and the elementary school came up four points short of an A with a score of 266.
The Arkansas Department of Education issues the scores to help parents and the community understand how the students and the district are doing.
According to information provided on the ADE website, several factors are taken into consideration when determining a school’s grade. A school’s students can do well on end of course exams and the campus could still receive low marks.
The grades represent:
How well students are performing in math and literacy on statewide tests, such as the Benchmark and End of Course exams.
Whether schools are meeting yearly student performance goals and showing improvement, or expected growth for all students.
Whether schools are meeting graduation goals for all students and at risk groups.
Whether the school has an achievement gap and if that gap is sizable.
The grades do not:
Measure how well an individual student or teacher is doing.
Take into consideration other things the school may be doing well, such as meeting students’ nutrition and health needs, or how well students are performing in other subject areas.
A school had to achieve a score between 270-300 to receive an A.
An A reflects:
Students do well on statewide tests.
The school meets its yearly student performance goals.
Groups of students meet progress goals.
High schools meet graduation goals.
Any achievement gap is offset by how well the school is doing in other areas.
A school had to achieve a score between 240-269 to receive a B.
A B reflects:
Students score well on statewide tests, but a few students need additional help.
School meets most student performance goals, but others need improvement.
Some high schools may not meet their graduation goals.
Some schools may have an achievement gap within the school.
For more information regarding schools and their grades visit http://www.arkansased.gov/divisions/public-school-accountability/school-performance/report-card