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AAA to hold workshop


AAASWAR_042The Area Agency on Aging of Southwest Arkansas, Inc. and UA Cossatot will present a workshop on medical and legal ethics for health care providers and family caregivers Fri., May 8 on the college’s De Queen campus.
Elder Law Attornies Lisa Shoalmire and John Ross will cover topics ranging from powers of attorney and end of life issues to competency and guardianship, VA benefits and Medicaid qualifications, as well as estate planning. The workshop is approved by the Arkansas Office of Long Term Care for 5.5 contact hours of nursing home administration continuing education and nursing continuing education. Social Workers can also obtain 5.5 continuing education hours.
Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the Weyerhaeuser Room of the Skill Trades Building, with the workshop beginning at 9 a.m. and closing at 3:10 p.m. Serenity Hospice will sponsor the continental breakfast and all of the breaks.
A Mexican-themed lunch will be provided with a $10 pre-registration fee for those not wanting CEUs. Professionals seeking CEUs should submit $20, which also includes lunch.
Checks should be made payable to Area Agency on Aging of Southwest Arkansas, Inc., P. O. Box 1863, Magnolia, AR 71753. Registrations should be submitted by Mon., May 4. For more information email Nancy Bailey, [email protected] or call toll free, 800-272-2127, Ext 105.