DIERKS – The Dierks Lady
Outlaws had a light start
to their week on the soft-
ball field when they hosted
a game that ended early
against the Blevins Lady
Hornets Monday afternoon.
The tone of the game
was set early on as the
Lady Hornets sent three
up, three down to a strike
out and pair of ground outs.
In their first chance at the
offensive, the Dierks girls
put a hard and immediate
stamp on the game with a 12
run first inning, as Kyla Hill
ran in on an error, Madison
Burgess came home on a
hard grounder to right field
from Alexis Simmons, Mela-
nie Kesterson was brought
in on a sacrifice fly by Lily
Woodruff, Kyla Kompkoff
ran in on a line drive to
left from Stephanie Stuart,
Walston made it home
from a grounder to short by
Miranda Mack, Mack herself
made home plate on an er-
ror, Hill stole home as Emily
Whisenhunt was picked off
attempting to steal second,
Burgess scored again from
a grounder to center from
Woodruff, Kesterson made
her second run of the in-
ning on an error, and Wood-
ruff came in on a fielder’s
choice. This set the score
at Dierks 12-0 going into the
Blevins was again unable
to get a runner on base with
a fly out, ground out, strike
out trio. The Lady Outlaws
responded with a mildly
more restrained inning, only
putting up five more runs
with Mack coming in on a
line drive to center from
Simmons, Burgess running
home again on the same
hunt making home plate on
an error, Kesterson achiev-
ing on a fielder’s choice
and Kompkoff scoring on a
wild pitch, making the score
Dierks 17-0.
The third inning was only
partial, with the Lady Hor-
nets managing to get a run-
ner to base on a walk, but
then unable to turn it into
a run as a strikeout and a
ground out set up for the
pickoff of that runner end-
ing both the inning and the
game as the 15-run rule was
brought into effect. Final
score Dierks 17-0.
Simmons was the obvi-
ous standout player for Di-
erks both at bat and on the
mound, achieving not only
two RBIs on two hits in two
at bats, but also notching
three strikeouts while mak-
ing better than 67 percent of
her pitches strikes in three
The Lady Outlaws will
next face off against the
Spring Hill Lady Bears this
afternoon in Spring Hill.