Tag: theology
The Offensiveness of the Gospel
Kevin Sartin
Theology Columnist
We are a people easily
offended, a fact readily
observable to anyone even
remotely societally aware
today. Stories that bear
out the reality of this burgeoning
social phenomena
Reformation Day and Freedom of Religion
Theology Columnist
Religious freedom is
something that historically
we have always enjoyed
as citizens of the
United States of America.
It’s one of the principles
that we believe our nation
was founded on....
Ashdown and public prayer
Kevin Sarton
Theology Columnist
The Freedom From Religion
Group, a nonprofit organization
diligently working
to promote “nontheism” and
to defend the “constitutional
separation between religion
and government,” has been
pretty busy as of...
A Biblical case for same-sex marriage
Ryan Rush
Theology Columnist
While many Scripture-loving Christians are opposed to the Supreme Court’s recognition of gay marriage rights, we aren’t all. For instance, I celebrate...
Something greater than the Republican Party
By Kevin Sartin
Theology Columnist
The presidential election of 2016 is just around the corner, and seemingly every day some other so-and-so from somewhere is announcing...
A tale of two tales
By Kevin Sartin
Theology Columnist
There is a story from my childhood and from childhoods much further in the past that taught a lesson that seems...
Tide of public opinion counter to Bible
By Kevin Sartin
Theology Columnist
We are a nation of people who run from one public crisis to the next, lighting infernos of indignation that blaze...
Examining God’s promise
One of the best-known but least-believed prom-
ises of the Bible comes from the Apostle Paul’s letter
to the church at Rome. There, at the pinnacle...
The mystery of self-destruction
By Kevin Sartin
Theology Columnist
If you are a baseball fan (or sports fan period, for that matter) then you are probably familiar with the story...