Tag: God
Breast Cancer Survivor: Lesley White
NASHVILLE - Loving, caring,
mom, Scrapper fan, all
words that describe Lesley
White but two words that
truly describe her are fighter
and survivor. White is a
breast cancer...
Breast Cancer Survivor: Renee Bissell
Ken Bissell
SEARCY - There are those
rare times in our lives when
we vividly remember where
we were and what we were
doing the moment we “heard
the news,”...
Breast Cancer Survivor: Dawn’s Story
Dawn Humphrey Contributor
- It all started
with a BSE. The first time I
remember feeling something
foreign in my breast was in
the shower while doing my
breast self-exam.
Examining God’s promise
One of the best-known but least-believed prom-
ises of the Bible comes from the Apostle Paul’s letter
to the church at Rome. There, at the pinnacle...